Questions & Answers
Last Updated: 1/23/2025
Billing Questions:
Q. Can I pay my Assessment Bill online?
A. No
Q. I paid my Assessment Bill but this year’s bill says I did not pay, and I have accrued interest. What should I do?
A. Send me a note with the check number, amount, and date you paid last year’s bill and I can correct the error.
Q. Why does my Assessment Bill say my payment is due now or overdue?
A. Because your assessment is overdue from previous year(s), therefore the bill is considered payable now.
Program Usage Questions:
Q. How do I change my "User Id", "Password", "Address", and/or "Phone Number"?
A. Log in with the "User ID" and "Password" that was provided in the top left hand corner of your current Assessment bill.
Click on the "General Info" tab and you will see all your information on the left side. Update as necessary and press "Submit".
Q. How do I do a "Seasonal Transfer"?
A. Log in and press the "Seasonal Transfer" button on the left.
Fill in all the blanks and press "Submit".
Q. I don't understand many of the terms used, is there a place I can go to learn more?
A. Yes, click on the "Help & Support" Button and read through that document to get a basic idea of how things work. If you need further assistance feel free to call Terry Plummer (Ditch Rider) at 720-629-0232